Runner Burnout: Indicators and Recovery Advice
How to identify runner burnout and advice on how to handle it
When you run, you feel free and can escape to your happy place. All runners can relate to the sheer joy that running brings anytime, anywhere. It is a great opportunity to prepare for the day ahead or relax after a tiring day. What if you lose the desire to run? You no longer experience the thrill of running. You miss the runner’s high. It’s now a chore to get out your door. Learn about runner burnout and how you can overcome this tough phase to keep enjoying what you love.
Runner burnout causes
Your purpose for running should not be guided by perceived pressures or mismatched goals. When you train more with less time for recovery, you are at risk for runner burnout. If this happens, the running you loved will no longer feel the same. If you don’t want this to impede your running journey, it is essential to minimize overtraining and maximize your recovery time. Whether you are an everyday runner or a professional, a well-rested body can help you handle physical and mental fatigue.
Struggling with runner burnout is not easy. It never was. An enjoyable activity can even turn into an unsatisfying chore. Watch for the following indicators. They’ll provide the clues you need to assess runner burnout and act accordingly.
- feel exhausted all the time
- don’t eat or sleep well
- lose the motivation to run
- avoid meeting your running friends
- experience more stress and negative emotions
- unable to complete your workouts
Recovery advice
Pushing harder and not slowing down could make the issue worse. Once you identify a few indicators, you need to act quickly. Here are several ways to overcome runner burnout and get back to pounding the pavement.
- avoid over-stressing your body and mind
- get the right amount of sleep
- take a day or two off from running
- set meaningful, attainable running goals
- take a break from intense workouts
- add Epsom salt baths to your recovery plan
- focus on training moderately
- explore different routes
- listen to your body and be patient
- cross-train
If running is a part of your fitness routine, you need to tackle runner burnout at the right time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is possible to regain your energy and renew your enthusiasm. You can recover faster with a flexible approach and proper healing. When you are ready to go for a run, nothing can get in the way.