Tag Archive for: 2019 3M Half Marathon

These taper tips are crucial for race day performance

The Taper. For those unfamiliar, tapering is referring to the reduced volume and intensity of workouts before race day. While some runners find it hard to scale back after so much time dedicated to training, others find themselves glued to their favorite couch. But doing too little or too much during this time period can compromise all your hard work. Make sure you are at the top of your game by following these tips between now and race day.

SleepImage result for happy sleeper

This may be the best thing you can do for yourself at this time. Experts recommend sleeping eight to nine hours per night. To start, choose a consistent time that you are in bed, this may or may not include actual sleep. This will signal to your body that rest is important and hopefully lead to more shut-eye.

If you have a favorite show that you just don’t want to miss, see if you can record it to watch after the race. It will be great to have something else to “marathon” after your race.

Instead of focusing on trying to get a good night sleep the night before, try for two nights before. Pre-race jitters can sometimes leave us with the “I am not even sure if I slept at all” feeling the night before. But don’t let this bother you. One poor night’s sleep shouldn’t affect your performance if you have tapered well in other aspects.

Reduce work stress

While it might be out of our hands, setting yourself up with an easy week at work can have a big impact on your energy going into race day. So if there is a project that needs to be done put in the extra effort now or see if it can be completed after race day. Take time to find a quiet place to meditate for 10-15 in the morning or evening.

Image result for under armour runNo new workouts

Now is not the time to get a weird sore spot under your ribs because your friend convinced you to try the new barre class. Stick to what you know and focus on less intense and less volume for each workout. Keep your runs to under 30 minutes. It’s fine to do some easy cross-training on non-running days, as long as the activity doesn’t make your muscles sore or have the potential to cause injury. If you don’t want to exercise on days you don’t run, that’s okay, too.

Example of a week out workout: 10-min warm-up jog / no more than 3 miles at half-marathon goal pace / 10-min cool-down jog


Skip the pizza and beer for now. Focus on a diet that balances moderate carbohydrates from whole food sources, quality protein, and healthy fat. You may also want to keep a close eye on your calorie intake. While you are used to high-intensity training and the extra food that comes with it, if you don’t watch what you eat, the pounds can sneak on in these last weeks, which is less than optimal for race day.

Avoid eating that can affect your sleep quality. This includes eating large meals within 1.5 hours of going to bed as well as spicy foods or large amounts of protein.

Now is also a good time to make sure you are well hydrated. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. You can also add electrolytes from nuun, to get your body ready for race day hydration. You can also try the on-course fuel with Gatorade Endurance gels.

Race Morning

By starting now, you are setting yourself up to be ready race morning. The last advice we have is to arrive at least 90 minutes before the start. Walk around as a light warmup, and then follow the Camp Gladiator trainers as they lead a pre-race warm-up at 7:15 at the start line.

Pre-purchase your race photos now at a discounted rate!

Get your 2019 3M Half Marathon race photos by FinisherPix now!Let our official photo service, FinisherPix, capture your personal 2019 3M Half Marathon memories. FinisherPix produces high-quality race photos using professional equipment. Capture the memories of your first half marathon or your half marathon PR and share them online; you earned it. Of course we’ll score some amazing images to commemorate our 25th anniversary!

Your images are processed on the spot because this allows us to get them online faster. Photos are normally available within 24-48 hours after the event so you can relive race day.

Use the link below to pre-purchase your race photos at a discounted rate.

This pricing is only available for pre-purchase, after January 19th, prices increase.
3M Half Marathon – $19.99
Pre-purchase Race Photos Today!

Grant for Austin Youth River Watch continues 3Mgives’ support of local organizations focused on STEM

In support of 3M’s global initiative to advance equitable science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), and educational outcomes for students, 3Mgives selects Austin Youth River Watch (AYRW) as the beneficiary of the 2019 3M Half Marathon. The $50,000 grant will allow the Austin-based nonprofit to continue offering a hands-on approach to environmental science, primarily to underserved high school students. 3Mgives continues their support of local organizations that educate youth and prepare them for a possible career in STEM. The 25th annual 3M Half Marathon will take place on Sunday, January 20, 2019, in Austin, Texas.

Austin Youth River Watch students testing water at Barton Creek.

Austin Youth River Watch students testing water at Barton Creek. Credit – Austin Youth River Watch

“Choosing Austin Youth River Watch as the beneficiary of the 3M Half Marathon is the perfect match for how we want to help here in Austin,” said Stacey Claessens, 3Mgives Manager of Austin Community Engagement. “It supports our initiative to increase student interest in STEM while also being a program that fosters a sustainable community.”

Making a difference

Austin Youth River Watch is a multi-year, after-school and summer program for high school students, combining peer mentoring with intensive environmental education. Their students collect, analyze, and publish water-quality data from Austin-area streams and rivers. They then report their data to local and statewide agencies. Students also work with community partners on environmental restoration projects to improve watershed health. This grant will support AYRW’s program in environmental education and youth development and their efforts to bring STEM to life. In addition to the grant, event-related involvement will take place at the expo and on race day.

“More than half of our graduates each year go on to pursue fields in STEM and the environment,” said Melinda Chow, Executive Director of Austin Youth River Watch. “With great community partners like 3M, we are all working together to improve outcomes for youth, diversify the STEM pipeline, and help make our world a better place to live.”

The 3M Half Marathon boasts one of the fastest 13.1-mile courses in the country. It will celebrate its 25th year running in 2019. Runners will enjoy a point-to-point course with mostly downhill running that showcases some of Austin’s finest locations. Starting in north Austin and finishing near the Texas State Capitol, runners will appreciate a 306’ net elevation drop. Participants can register on the website.